Get involved, everyone could help to make a difference for the "left-behind" children—PPL the season 3 of Charity event


5 Sep, 2016, PPL organized a charity program “Caring for the left-behind children”. As we promised last two years, eight volunteers teamed up and arrived at the destination, Zhang Ji primary school, Jiao Ling country, Huai An city.

As serious pollution in this area, the local people have no clean water to drink, many even got cancer. For the children’s health, we donated a Water purify system to the school which was very appreciated.

As the school is located at rural place, which leads to the shortage of teachers, the volunteers prepared many interesting courses for school children, include introducing the new Disneyland in shanghai, teach them playing basketball and Ping-Pong , teach them drawing Chinese painting etc. the children spent a great time with our volunteers.

This activity lasted for two days. We expected more people to join us in 2017!





