Saint-Gobain and COP21


1.?Saint-Gobain, official partner of COP21

The 21st international climate conference (Conference of the Parties, or COP21) will be held from November 30 to December 11, 2015 under the aegis of the United Nations at Le Bourget in the Paris region (France). More than 40,000 participants are expected to attend: States, companies, NGOs, local and regional authorities, general public and media from around the world. The objective is to reach a global agreement to limit global warming to within 2?°C from the pre-industrial era.

Saint-Gobain is convinced that only a concerted action between companies, cities and States can lead to a global, ambitious and binding agreement. Companies are also part of the solution by reducing their own CO2 emissions and providing technology able to combat climate change. In becoming an official partner of COP21, Saint-Gobain strongly support the combat against climate change after the Business & Climate Summit (BCS) held in May 2015.?


2.?Our commitment

  • Promote the preservation and availability of natural resources.
  • Reduce the amount of non recovered waste and natural resources consumption. - 50% of non-recovered waste by 2025*

  • Reduce water withdrawal and in the long term, water discharge in liquid form. - 80% of water discharge by 2025*

  • Reduce energy consumption of the Company activities. - 15% of energy consumption by 2025*

  • Reduce the CO2 emissions from industrial activities, transportation, infrastructure, products and services of the Company. - 20% of total CO2 emissions by 2025*

  • Reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from our tertiary buildings with CARE: 4? program. - 75% by 2040

  • Increase the number of R&D projects and investments targeting the reduction of the environmental impact of our process and solutions.

  • Promote sustainable and responsible building to conserve energy and natural resources while providing comfort and well-being.

  • Develop innovative and efficient solutions contributing to increasing energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of buildings through their entire lifecycle.

  • Invest in energy efficiency and sustainable habitat trainings for professionals and entrepreneurs.

  • Promote the dialogue with our external stakeholders and participate in the development of regulatory projects.



As an official partner, Saint-Gobain is involved in several actions:

  • A booth in the Climate Generations space at Le Bourget, open to the general public, in partnership with the World Green Building Council, a worldwide network for promoting sustainable construction.?
  • A speech on December 3, by Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Saint-Gobain, in the negotiations area on the thematic Building Day in partnership with the World Green Building Council.
  • Donation of ISOVER, Placo? and Eurocoustic products for the thermal and acoustic insulation of the premises housing the COP21 conference.?
  • Donation of glazing for an exhibition being organized concurrently by the Paris City Hall on the banks of the Seine River.